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TA039 training dummy trolley

Ref : TA042
This batch shall comprise:
1 set of 40 cups (10x light blue, 10x fluorescent yellow, 10x pink, 10x white)
10 adjustable mini hedges from 23 to 30 cm (10x yellow)
20 flexible cones (5x light blue, 5x fluorescent yellow, 5x pink, 5x white)
20 flat hoops (5x light blue, 5x fluorescent yellow, 5x pink, 5x white)
1 agility ladder 4m (yellow)
5 telescopic slalom poles with rubber weighted base (yellow pole, black base)
Recommended retail price :

Product description

Training kit allowing you to set up a large number of exercises to animate your sessions. This kit includes hedges, studs, cups, poles with base, rhythm ladders and transport bags (see details in product features).


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